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Script: Part 4
MOODY SPURGEON: Nobody told me.
MR. PHILLIPS: Bye. STUDENTS: Bye. Bye, Mr. Phillips. DIANA: Father told mother that Mr. Sadler was going to get rid of Mr. Phillips, no matter what. And appearantly the trustees are forcing him to leave because of Prissy. ANNE: I can't help feeling sorry for him, even though he did spell my name without an "e". DIANA: I wouldn't feel too sorry for him. He's got a position as a private tutor over in Charlottetown.
JOSIE PYE: I don't believe it. You sure couldn't, little miss bookworm. ANNE: Oh, couldn't I? GILBERT: It's a little risky, don't you think, Anne? ANNE: Is it indeed, Mr. Blythe? JOSIE PYE: I dare you! I dare you to walk the ridgepole of Moody's kitchen roof. DIANA: Don't do it, Anne! Never mind her; it's not a fair dare.
ANNE: VARIOUS VOICES: She's going to fall. Oh! DIANA: Oh, Anne! Oh, Anne! Oh, are you killed? Just say one word and tell me know if you're killed! ANNE: No, but I think I've been rendered unconscious. [to Gilbert] Thank you, Mr. Blythe. GILBERT: Anne, I'll call a carriage and help you home. ANNE: That won't be necessary. I'm quite capable of getting there on my own. GILBERT: I'm going your way. At least let me give you a hand. ANNE: Thank you, Mr. Blythe, but I am going in the opposite direction. Come along, Diana. DIANA: Anne, you should have let him help you. You're in no condition to walk home.
ANNE: I wouldn't think of giving Gilbert Blythe the satisfaction of helping me! Why don't we cut through here? It's much shorter. DIANA: But you told me this forest was haunted. ANNE: I don't think it's haunted in daylight. DIANA: That doesn't matter; it's always dark in the forest. ANNE: Don't be afraid, Diana. DIANA: What kind of ghosts would you say live in here? ANNE: I'm not sure there are any. I only imagined it was haunted because it seemed so romantic at the time. DIANA: What is it? Did you see a ghost? ANNE: My foot caught on something. DIANA: Charlie Sloan said that his grandmother saw his grandfather driving the cows home last year. ANNE: So? DIANA: His grandfather died two years ago. ANNE: There's supposed to be a white lady who walked along the riverbank by Mr. Hammond's sawmill, wringing her hands and wailing. The men never actually saw her. DIANA: Oh, Anne, don't. ANNE: Perhaps she is now accompanied by Mr. Hammond who is looking for his lunch. No, I shouldn't have said that. He may follow me here. DIANA: Oh, Anne, I'm scared.
ANNE: So am I. DIANA: Charlie's grandmother is a very religious woman, and I don't think she would lie. Do you think there may be ghosts living in there? ANNE: It's alright, Diana. DIANA: [screams] ANNE: Stop it, Diana, and help me out! DIANA: Why did we ever come in here, Anne? Are you alright? ANNE: I twisted my other ankle. DIANA: What are we going to do? ANNE: You mustn't be afraid, Diana. I'll be alright here. Run home, find your father, and ask if he'll come back and get me. DIANA: You'll get carried off by ghosts. I'd never forgive myself. ANNE: Be brave, Diana. Go. I shall endure till your return, although I may be forced to faint if my imagination gets the better of me. DIANA: I could never feel as safe as your are, Anne. Bye-bye.
MR. BARRY: No fear, Marilla. She's alright. ANNE: Don't be very frightened, Marilla. I fell of the ridgepole at Moody Spurgeon's, and then I twisted my other ankle falling into an old well. MARILLA: I should have known she would have stopped for summer this way, barely the last day of school. ANNE: Marilla, look on the bright side: I might have broken my neck. And what would you have done if someone dared you to walk a ridgepole? MARILLA: I would have stayed on firm ground and let them dare away. MR. BARRY: Oh, now, Marilla, don't be too hard on her. I think she's doing a pretty good job being hard on herself, especially considering that she took first place in the term results. ANNE: Tied for first. MARILLA: Tied for first place? My Anne? Well, John Barry, it's certain that she didn't injure her tongue. Come on!
ANNE: I want the house to look flowery to impress Diana when she arrives for tea. May I use the rosebud spray tea set, Marilla? MARILLA: No. The everyday set will be do for your company. You may have the fruitcake and the cherry preserves, and there's a bottle of raspberry cordial on the shelf in the kitchen. Now, tell Matthew that Mrs. Allan will drive me back, but I'll be late coming back from the Ladies Aid Society, so you must see that Matthew and Jerry's supper is laid out for them. DIANA: Good afternoon, Miss Cuthbert. MARILLA: Good afternoon, Diana. Now Anne, I trust that you will be responsible for your guest. ANNE: I'll be the perfect hostess. MARILLA: Have a lovely afternoon, ladies. ANNE: May I take your parasol? Here, let me. [she helps Diana with her hat] DIANA: So good of you to invite me to tea this afternoon. ANNE: Please come in and make yourself comfortable. DIANA: Why thank you. ANNE: How is your mother? DIANA: Very well, thank you. I saw Mr. Cuthbert hauling potatoes to the Lilly Sand's boat this afternoon. ANNE: Our crop is quite good. We were fortunate to have hired Jerry Buote to help us with the harvest. DIANA: Have you picked any apples, yet? ANNE: Ever so many! Marilla has been cooking and baking endlessly. We have enought pies and cakes and preserves to last us for years. It isn't good manners to tell your guest what you're serving, so I won't tell you what she said we could have to drink. DIANA: Oh, raspberry cordial, right? Oh, that's my favorite. ANNE: You mean you've had it before? DIANA: Lots of times. Haven't you? ANNE: I must admit, I've never tasted it. But you can have as much as you like. I have to stir up the fire. There are so many responsibilities on a person's mind when they're housekeeping. DIANA: It's awfully nice, Anne. Much better than Mrs. Lynde's. She brags about hers all the time. ANNE:[from the kitchen] I'm not surprised that it's better. Of course, Marilla is a famous cook. DIANA: It doesn't taste a bit like it. ANNE:[from the kitchen] She's trying to teach me how to cook. But I assure you, Diana, I am a dismal failure. There's no scope of the imagination in cooking. You simply have to go by the rules. Last time I made a cake, I forgot to put the flour in it. I was thinking about the lovely joy about us, Diana. I imagined you were desperately ill with small pox, and when everyone deserted you, I went over to your bedside and nursed you back to life. Then I took small pox and died. And you planted a rosebush by my grave, and watered it with your tears. You never ever forgot the friend of your youth, who sacrificed her life for yours. It was such a pathetic story, and I was crying so, that I forgot to put the flour in the cake. The cake was a dismal failure. The flour is so essential to baking. It bubbled all over the inside of the stove. It was a mess. Marilla was furious. I don't wonder. I'm such a trial to her. DIANA: Oh, I feel sick. Oh, I've got to go home. ANNE: Diana, you haven't eaten yet. A piece of cake and another glass of cordial will be just the thing. Please, have some. [Diana falls over] You can't be sick! Wake up! DIANA: I've got to go home. ANNE: No. Lie down. You'll feel better. Now tell me, where does it hurt? DIANA: I've got to go home. Oh. Oh, I'm awful dizzy. ANNE: It's probably the small pox epidemic. Don't worry, Diana; I'll never forsake you. I'll nurse you back to health. Please stay until after tea.
MRS. BARRY: What on earth's the matter, Diana? RACHEL: She's drunk! MRS. BARRY: Anne Shirley, what did you give my Diana to drink? ANNE: Only raspberry cordial, Mrs. Barry. RACHEL: Cordial, my foot! The girl smells like Jake Griffith's distillery. MRS. BARRY: Drunk? My daughter is drunk? And Mrs. Lynde, the chairwoman of the temperance society. You are a wicked, wicked girl, Anne Shirley! It was against my better judgement to let Diana associate with an orphan, and I've been proven right. Diana, will never see you again. Leave our property at once!
ANNE: Only raspberry cordial. She had three glasses of it, but I didn't know it would set her drunk. MARILLA: You certainly have a genious for trouble. This is current wine, can't you tell the difference? ANNE: I've never tasted either. MARILLA: Stop crying. It wasn't your fault. I probably put the cordial in the cellar instead of the pantry. I'll go over and explain.
RACHEL: I've always warned you about making that current wine, Marilla. You said it wouldn't have the least effect on anyone. Well, I ask you. MARILLA: It isn't meant to be drunk three tumbler-fulls at a time. And if I had a child that was so greedy, I'd sober her up with a darn good spanking! MRS. BARRY: Ah! So it's my Diana's fault, is it? RACHEL: It's the demon liquor's fault. And as I've told you for years, if you didn't insist on making that current wine--
MARILLA: My current wine is famous all over the Island, Rachel Lynde, as you well know, and the Reverend Allan, himself, is not opposed to taking a bit when he comes calling. And as for Christian virtue, RACHEL: Oh! MARILLA: [outside house] Of all of the unreasonable, pig-headed, self-important women that I have ever met, she is the worst! ANNE: I don't think Mrs. Barry is a well-bred woman. I don't believe God, Himself, would entirely meet with her approval. MARILLA: Anne, you mustn't say things like that, especially in front of the minister's wife. But, if you left God out of it, you'd have it just about right.
ANNE: I can't describe, MARILLA: Don't talk such foolishness, child. ANNE: Excuse me, Marilla!
DIANA: I told her it wasn't your fault, and I cried and cried, but it's no use, Anne. We can't ever be friends again. ANNE: Diana, will you promise never to forget me, no matter what other friends come into your life? DIANA: I could never love anyone as much as I love you, Anne. ANNE: Do you really love me? DIANA: Of course I do. ANNE: Nobody's ever loved me for as long as I can remember, except for Matthew and Marilla. Will you swear to be my secret bosom friend? DIANA: But isn't it wicked to swear? We're in enough trouble already.
ANNE: Not when you're swearing a vow. DIANA: I solemnly swear to remain faithful to my bosom friend, Anne Shirley, for as long as the sun and the moon-- ANNE: Shall endure. DIANA: Shall endure. And as long as my mother doesn't find out. ANNE: Oh, she mustn't. DIANA: I have to get back; she'll be suspicious.
ANNE: DIANA: But I don't have any black dresses. ANNE: Your hair. DIANA: Alright. I have to go.
ANNE: Farewell, my beloved friend.
ANNE: Can you ever forgive me, Miss Stacey? I promise I won't even look at Ben Hur for a whole week as penance, not even to see how the chariot race turned out. MISS STACEY: I'm returning this to you because I Know I can trust you not to let it happen again. Oh, Anne, you know I want to encourage you to read literature, to develope your imagination; it's a prescious gift. But not during geometry class. ANNE: Miss Stacey, I knew you were sympathetic to the human plight the minute we met. MISS STACEY: I understand you have a plight of your own. ANNE: Diana Barry. We were bosom friends, but alas, her mother's refused to even let her speak with me. MISS STACEY: Yes, I had a visit from Mrs. Barry. ANNE: I can't understand the social persecution of being an orphan. It is a terrible injustice to be falsely accused. MISS STACEY: Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, Anne. You see, it frightens them, so they put up walls to protect themselves from it. What we must bear in mind is that all these trials and tribulations that pop up in our lives, well, they serve a very useful purpose: they build character, as long as we can hold on to the lessons we've learn from our mistakes. Remember, we can always start everything fresh tomorrow. ANNE: That is a tremendous consolation, Miss Stacey. MISS STACEY: Hmm?
MISS STACEY: Well, there's no mistakes in it yet. As far as the truth goes, don't lose heart. Diana will always be your friend. No matter what anyone accuses you of, in the end ANNE: The truth will set you free.
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